- England should now focus more on Iraq after the Anglo-Iraqi War breaks out
- Increased base research speed by 2%
- Census Tabulating Machines, Automatic feed tabulators & Accounting Machines research bonus increased by 1% each
- Reduced the research difficulty for all special Equipment components by 2
- Corrected some unit model names for Italy (more historical accurate)
- Added an Event to join Axis for Spain, Portugal, France, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, when Axis wins in North Africa and the Middle East
- Fixed broken French capitulation event which had disbanded all units without returning the manpower
- Fixed various bugs with the Syria–Lebanon campaign
- Fixed a bug that the Colonial Army Event triggered only for Iraq instead also for various other countries
- Added photos for some Italian unit models
- Special Equipment techs now adds directly a bonus to all units instead of unlocking the special decisions (which were too expensive to be used by minor nations).
- Vehicle special equipment tech now no longer need infantry special equipment researched before